This is a quick tutorial for repainting and to understand my system.

I have included 3 different formats, PSD, PSP and BMP

The PSD (photoshop) and PSP (paint shop pro) format have layers.

The bmp files have no layers and are for users who want to paint in ms paint.

There are 2 different images, one is for the A and A MKII models.

the second is for the C and BA models.


For Photoshop Users. (this procedure is the same in paint shop pro)

Open up either

Exterior A and MKII models.psd


Exterior C and BA models.psd

On the layers menu, select the base colour layer, change this colour to a colour that is most used on your paint scheme (example. if your helicopter is red with white stripes, change the base colour to red)

Now reduce its transparency to 0 so you can see the mesh image of the helicopter.

Now open up the LEFT layer group.

Click on the layer called Fuel Cap, now on the menu select, layer> new> layer.

Drag the layer down so it is underneath the layer called Fuel Cap, this is so that all the rivets and other decals are visible.

Start to draw your own design or company paint scheme.

When your done select the Base colour layer again, change its transparency to 100.

Now to save painting the same image for the right hand side again, select the left group, on the menu, select layer> duplicate layer set.

Now on the layers window select left copy layer, Go to move mode, then go to edit> transform> flip horizontal

The image is now mirrored, drag the layer down so it matches up with the right layer I have included.

Delete the original right layer

If there is text written in the mirrored layer group, to flip it to normal again, open the layer group.

then select the text layer, go to edit> transform> flip horizontal, do this for any other mirrored layer.

When your done, save it as a bmp, and call it Exterior_T

Open up DXTbmp and load it as a normal image, import the supplied alpha channel, and save it as an extended image and as
a DXT3 with alpha.

Put it into a texture folder in the 109 folder and then modify the cfg so it shows up.

And your done.